چهار‌شنبه 12 فوريه 2025 - 24 بهمن 1403
صفحه اصلی اخبار مقالات آلبوم تصاویر درباره ما تماس با ما فرم مشاوره

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UK Clinical Aptitude Test - UKCAT - متقاضیان تحصیل در رشته پزشکی در انگلستان

UK Clinical Aptitude Test - UKCAT

The UKCAT is a test for medical school entry in the UK and is used as part of the selection procedure for 26 of the UK’s medical schools

جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد  UKCAT  فرم مشاوره تحصیلی را تکمیل نمائید.

The UKCAT is not a test of knowledge but is designed to be a test of aptitude, testing attributes considered to be valuable for healthcare professionals and aims to ensure that applicants selected to medical school have the most appropriate mental abilities, attitudes and professional behaviours required for new doctors to be successful in their careers

If you are applying to a medical school that requires the UKCAT, you should take this test before applying through UCAS. If you have any doubt about whether you are required to take the UKCAT, you should refer to the university websites, prospectuses and the UCAS handbook for the specific entry requirements of each university and course you plan applying to 

If you pass the UKCAT but are unsuccessful in your application to medical school and decide to re-apply the following year, you will be required to re-sit the UKCAT

The UKCAT consists of five subtests in multiple-choice format, which last 2 hours in total but are separately timed

1.  Verbal reasoning - 22 minutes) –

This assesses candidates’ ability to think logically about written information and arrive at a reasoned conclusion. You will be given passages of text and for each passage there will be four statements relating to the text. Your task is to read each passage and then decide whether the statements follow logically from the information in the passage. For each statement, there are three answer options you can choose from:

True – on the basis of the information in the passage, the statement is true or logically follows for the passage

False – on the basis of the information in the passage, the statement is false

Can’t tell – you cannot tell from the information in the passage whether the statement is true or false

It is important, when deciding whether a statement is true, false or can’t tell, that you base your answer only on the information in the passage and not on any knowledge you may have

Test items – 44 statements with 11 reading passages

2.  Quantitative reasoning (22 minutes) –

This assesses candidates’ ability to solve numerical problems by extracting relevant information from ten tables, charts, and/or graphs. For each, you will be presented with four test items that relate to that table, chart or graph. For each item, there are five answer options to choose from and your tasks is the choose the best option. A calculator is available for use in this section.

Test items – 40 items associated with 10 tables, charts, and/or graphs

3.  Abstract reasoning (16 minutes) –

This subtest assesses candidates’ ability to infer relationships from information by convergent and divergent thinking by identifying patterns amongst abstract shapes which include irrelevant and distracting material. You will be presented with two sets of shapes labelled ‘set A’ and ‘set B’. All the shapes in set A are similar in some way, as are the shapes in set B. Set A and set B are not related to each other. For each pair of set A and set B, you will be presented with five ‘test shapes’. Your task is to decide whether each test shape belongs to set A or set B or neither. 

Test items – 65 items associated with thirteen pairs of set A and set B shapes

4.  Decision analysis (30 minutes) –

This subtest assesses candidates’ ability to deal with various forms of information, to infer relationships, to make informed judgements and to decide on an appropriate response, in situations that become progressively more complex or ambiguous. You will be presented with 26 items related that information. Each item may have four or five response options. On some items, more than one option may be correct. In this case, you will be asked to identify all the correct options.

Test items – 26 items associated with one scenario

5.  Non-cognitive analysis (30 minutes) –

This identifies aspects of each candidate's personality and character in order to determine their suitability for a career in medicine. You will be given a brief summary of your results for this part of the test in the form of a short descriptive passage, such as: 

“You appear to balance being self-sufficient, discreet and happy to make your own decisions with being socially and emotionally engaged and outgoing.”
This part of the assessment is designed to discover your personal style as compiled by your answers to the specific questions presented to you
Get into Medical School: 600 UKCAT practice questions is published by ISC Medical and includes a full mock exam for the UKCAT exam as well as a wide range of questions for all four major sections of the UKCAT: quantitative reasoning, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning and decision analysis. This book is designed to give you all the tools you need to optimise your score on the day

Registration and test dates 

Candidates will be able to register to take the UKCAT in June 2010. The tests are run in partnership with Pearson VUE and are computer-based and will be delivered at one of over 150 test centres located nationwide. There will be no fixed date for sitting the exam, but it is recommended that candidates should schedule to sit the UKCAT as soon as possible to ensure that places are available at their chosen test centre

Overseas students 

The requirement to take the UKCAT applies to all EU and the majority of international applicants as well as to all UK applicants. There are test centres in many locations around the work, including all EU counties

UK Clinical Aptitude Test - UKCAT

تست فوق به عنوان یک پیش نیاز جهت ورود به دوره های پزشکی و دندانپزشکی در دانشگاههای زیر است. 

Used for

Entry to medical and dental schools

Used by

University of Aberdeen A100, A201

Brighton and Sussex Medical School A100

Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry A100, A101, A200, A201

Cardiff University A100, A104, A200, A204

University of Dundee A100, A104, A200, A204

University of Durham A100

University of East Anglia A100, A104

University of Edinburgh A100

University of Glasgow A100, A200

Hull York Medical School A100

Keele University A100, A104

King's College London A100, A101, A102, A103, A202, A203, A205

Imperial College London Graduate Entry A101

University of Leeds A100

University of Leicester A100, A101

University of Manchester A104, A106, A204, A206

University of Newcastle A100, A101, A206

University of Nottingham A100

University of Oxford Graduate Entry A101

Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry A100

Queen's University Belfast A100, A200

University of Sheffield A100, A104, A200

University of Southampton A100, A101, A102

University of St Andrews A100, B900

St George's, University of London A100

Warwick University Graduate Entry A101

Entry method

Online registration only, through www.ukcat.ac.uk

Entry deadline

25 September 2009

Test dates

7 July 2009 - 9 October 2009

Duration of test

2 hours

Results available

Immediately after the test

جهت کسب اطلاعات بیشتر در مورد  UKCAT  فرم مشاوره تحصیلی را تکمیل نمائید.

تحصیل در انگلستان
دوره های زبان انگلیسی
دوره های کارشناسی در انگلستان
دوره های کارشناسی ارشد
دوره های دکترا در انگلستان
تحصیل در رشته پزشکی
تحصیل در رشته دندانپزشکی
پیش دانشگاهی در انگلستان
مدارس شبانه روزی در انگلستان
رشته های دانشگاهی آنلاین
آزمون و دوره های آیلتس
آزمون و دوره های تافل
بورسیه های تحصیلی در انگلستان
خرید کتاب و مقالات علمی
رزومه و روش تهیه آن
دانشگاهها و کالج های انگلستان
مطالب جدید تحصیل در انگلستان
MBA در انگلستان
زندگی در انگلستان
هزینه های زندگی در انگلستان
هزینه های تحصیلی در انگلستان
مسکن دانشجویی در انگلستان
کار در زمان تحصیل در انگلستان
رنکینگ دانشگاه های انگلستان
ویزای تحصیلی انگلستان
درباره انگلستان
درباره انگلستان
سیستم آموزشی در انگلستان
ارزشیابی‌ مدارك‌ تحصیلی‌ در انگلستان
آموزش شهروندی انگلستان
مشاوره تحصيلي در انگلستان
آموزش فني و حرفه اي در انگلستان
آموزش بزرگسالان در انگلستان
جاذبه های توریستی انگلستان
فرم مشاوره تحصیلی در انگلستان
اعطاي نمايندگي
بنرها و لوگوی سایت
UK Study Today در فیس بوک

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صفحه اصلی اخبار مقالات آلبوم تصاویر درباره ما تماس با ما فرم مشاوره
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